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dc.contributor.authorAberasturi, Estíbaliz
dc.contributor.authorCorrea, Jose Miguel
dc.contributor.authorGuerra, Regina
dc.identifier.citationAberasturi Apraiz, E. (2015, 30 septiembre). Cruces y encuentros entre investigadoras. Preguntarse sobre diversidad desde la posición social como mujer.. Recuperado 22 octubre, 2015, de
dc.identifier.issn1695-8403 / e-ISSN: 2254-7592
dc.description.abstractThis article is based on the experience that the research group Elkariketuz carried out at the meetings of the project U.P.V. ARTikertuz. In it, it seeks to investigate the knowledge generated in the sessions where the participants, the same researchers, share their experiences and question their own teaching practices and those of their fellows. Curricular issues are addressed and it works around the theme of art education as it is thought that it's methodologies facilitate communication and the exchange of reflections. The proposed method is visual, allowing investigate the pedagogical relations since its complexity. It seeks to understand the relationships that people have with other individuals and how these relationships enable or hinder the generation of knowledge (collective or individual). It focuses on building knowledge and representation: how we narrate and we report what we do. We choose images of the sessions, we will analyze them and we will pass through the various stages of data analysis to address research through discussion and provide the findings.es_MX
dc.publisherEARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigaciónes_MX
dc.publisherEARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigaciónes_MX
dc.publisherEARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigaciónes_MX
dc.subjectInvestigación culturales_MX
dc.titleARTikertuz, ¿qué conocimiento generamos a partir de la relación pedagógica entre profesorado?es_MX
dc.typeArtículo de revista científica indexadaes_MX
dc.contributor.universityUniversidad del país Vascoes_MX
dc.publication.typeLibro científicoes_MX
dc.publication.magazineCientífica arbitrada indexadaes_MX

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  • Desarrollo artístico
    Recursos informativos cuyas temáticas están relacionados con teorías, metodologías, experiencias y casos de desarrollo, mediación, promoción y creación artística.

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