Relaciones del Arte de Internet con la Cultura Libre.
How are define Internet art practices contextualized in free culture? This is the question to respond on this pages. The correlation between art Internet and proposals developed from environments of free culture can be taken into account as an inexcusably very close relationship. Both lines of cultural development have been intertwined since its origins and its nexus is an effort to disengage from the current institutional cultural paradigm legitimized by cultural industries, seeking a more open and plural intellectual framework, in which the democratizing actions prescribe strategies singular characteristics .
The results shown here are part of an investigation focused on the analysis of the relation between free culture and Internet art, which defines its essential characteristics. The characteristics deduced from this study of secondary sources and from the interviews with four experts linked to relevant contexts: Remedios Zafra, writer and anthropologist, university Associate professor of Art, Innovation and Digital Culture; Juan Martín Prada, university Associate professor and specialist in contemporary art esthete; and finally, Pedro Jiménez and Felipe G. Gil, representatives of trnsmedia influential cultural group Zemos98.